Recumbent Bike Workout for Beginners for Weight Loss

A recumbent bike is only as good as they type of exercise you do on it, so it’s important that you engage in the proper recumbent bike workout to shed off those unwanted pounds. If you’re not sure where to begin just follow the routines below. These can be performed by beginners and advanced people alike.Make sure you have one of the best recumbent bike for a comfortable workout

4 Effective Recumbent Bike Workouts for Beginners

1. Recumbent Bike Interval Training

Recumbent Bike Workout
Recumbent Bike Workout

These are cardio workouts done in short high intensity bursts that alternate with less intense periods of workouts. You could do 1 minute of hard sprints on the bike followed by 30 seconds of medium or slow pace. You can do this by simply increasing or decreasing the pedal speed to build up the resistance.

You can set the time intervals to whatever suits your needs, but majority go with a 1 to 1 ratio for activity and rest. If you’re new to recumbent bike interval training, go with a 2 to 1 ratio wherein your recovery time is longer.

So if you’re going to do 30 seconds of high intensity interval training then your recovery period needs to be 1 minute. Do this for as long your body needs to get used to it. Once your body is accustomed to it, up the high intensity pedaling to 1 minute but keep your recovery period to 1 minute.

Interval Workout Routine : Steps to Follow for Beginners

Always begin your recumbent bike exercises with a warm up. Just as you warm up during workouts to loosen up your muscles, the same rules apply when you’re on the bike. A 5 minute warm up should be sufficient to work up a sweat and loosen up your limbs.

StepsActivities to Follow
Step 1Pedal at 95% capability for 30 seconds
Step 2Drop the resistance and speed for 30 seconds. This is your recovery period
Step 3Bring the speed and performance up to 85% capacity again for 30 seconds followed
by another 30 secondrecovery period.
Step 4Alternate between the two for 20 minutes.

After the 20 minutes are up, do a 5 minute cool down routine on the bike, akin to your warm up.

This is jut an example of the kind of interval workout that you can do on your bike. Adjust the time intervals and intensity as it suits your current physical condition.

2. HIIT Workout : Recommend to watch Video

For this workout you’ll need a recumbent bike that has multiple resistance levels, preferably up to 20. The following is the suggested routine but feel free to change according to your skills and the type of exercise bike you have.

Level 890 RPM5 min
Level 1580 RPM1 min
Level 150 RPM30 seconds
Level 1580 RPM1 min
Level 150 RPM30 seconds
Level 1580 RPM1 min
Level 150 RPM30 seconds

Keep alternating between 1 minute at level 15 and level 1 at 30 seconds until you get to 20 minutes or your desired time.

During the working or fast segments, pedal as hard as you can and then move your legs slowly during the rest portion. During the fast segments try to go as fast as you can to the point that you’re breathless, followed by the recovery period. Do not move during the rest period even if you can as you’ll want to save that energy during the working part of the routine.

3. Workout with Dumbbells ( For Weight Loss )

Get a pair of dumbbells,8 to 10 lbs for women and 10 to 20 lbs for men. This workout is similar to the one above except that apart from working out your legs during the fast segments, you’ll also be exercising your upper body using the dumbbells.

This is going to require more effort but it is going to speed up weight loss and build up endurance. You’re going to be left breathless and probably feel like burning, but it is part of the process and is good for your body.

It is acceptable to give your upper body a rest during the workout but your legs must be constantly moving. Exercise your upper body as soon as you’ve recovered.

Set your bike on manual mode and adjust the levels as Indicated below.

Level 880 RPM2 minAcross the body punches
Level 1070 RPM2 min
Level 1260 RPM2 minShoulder press
Level 470 RPM1 min
Level 980 RPM2 minSide raise
Level 1170 RPM2 min
Level 1380 RPM2 minAlternating shoulder press
Level 470 RPM2 min
Level 1080 RPM2 minFront raise
Level 1270 RPM2 min
Level 1460 RPM2 minUpright row
Level 870 RPM1 min
Level 890 RPM4 minAlternating triceps, curl and biceps

4. Build Resistance and Endurance

This workout focuses on resistance building and endurance. Like the other workouts this one will leave you feeling breathless but it is good for your body. Select manual mode on your exercise bike and adjust the levels according to the guide below.

Level 8RPM 905 min
Level 11 RPM 804 min
Level 13RPM 653 min
Level 13RPM 653 min
Level 15RPM 502 min
Level 2RPM 501 min
Level 12RPM 804 min
Level 14RPM 653 min
Level 16RPM 502 min
Level 2RPM 501 min

These workouts can be modified so it is more suited to the type of recumbent bike workouts you prefer.

If the workouts are too difficult, increase the recovery time or lower the levels. If they are too easy, increase the levels or in the workout 2, add to the dumbbell weight. Under no circumstances should you cut down on the recovery time since it is an integral part of the workout.

5. Take Advantage of Preset Workout

If you’ve got a digital or computerized recumbent bike, it likely comes with a lot of preset workouts. Just choose one of the presets and it should allow you to do different types of exercises to burn excess pounds and lose weight.

10 Tips for Recumbent Exercise Bike Workout : Beginners

A recumbent bike is only going to burn pounds and calories if it is used properly. The routines above should be followed but you also need to consider the following factors to ensure you’re getting the most out of your bike.

1. Make Proper Seat Adjustment

This is one of the most fundamental aspects of recumbent bike weight loss training but a lot of people ignore it. An uncomfortable seat makes it difficult or impossible to do the workouts above, and it certainly won’t make the routines something to look forward to. Sitting for prolonged periods on an uncomfortable seat could also result in injuries.

The good news is most of these bikes allow you to adjust the seat. The process usually involves sliding the seat forward or back until you’re comfortable with it. This will take less than a minute and you’ll feel more comfortable when using it.

Everyone has their own comfort level so use your own feeling as guide. Most people want their legs to have a bit of a bend when extended on the bike’s pedaling cycle. But you may prefer it another way so just go with what you’re comfortable with.

2. Stretching Helps

There’s no need for an elaborate explanation for this. Before doing any type of workout – on your exercise bike or otherwise – do some stretches to warm up your legs, back, shoulders, arms and the rest of your body.

3. Warming Up on the Recumbent Bike

Some people like to get into the bike workout after doing the stretches above. But others like to do another 5 minute workout on the exercise bike. Personally I think it is better if you do this extra 5 minute workout as it gets your body prepared for the routine.

But apart from getting your muscles loose and ready, these warm ups also increase your body’s inner temperature, and that is necessary for a good workout.

4. Assume Proper Form

This is something that I cannot stress enough. All the workouts you do on your exercise bike will be useless if you don’t have the correct posture. This applies not just exercise bikes but also aerobics, warm ups, yoga and other types of workouts. If you don’t have the right pose, you won’t get the benefits and could even be the cause of injury.

So before you think of increasing the reps for the workouts given above, pay attention to form and posture first. Only commence with the workouts above if you’re certain the position is right. This is not only to prevent an injury but also to make sure that you lose weight and burn fat.

5. Go with the Right Resistance

Some of those who are new to recumbent bikes have no idea what resistance level to go with. Some use too much and others with too light, neither of which is going to help you.

There is no need to set the resistance level too high as it is not going to hasten your weight loss. If anything, setting the level too high might cause an injury and hinder your progress That being said you don’t want to make the resistance to be too light as it defeats the purpose of your workout.

Instead what you ought to do is select the resistance level that you can work with consistently. Pedal and see how much resistance you can handle. When you’re comfortable with the current level that’s when you raise it up.

The whole point of the pedals is to give your legs a good workout, but when done right as indicated in the workouts above you’ll get benefits for the rest of your body. You won’t just lose weight but also build muscles and toe them.

6. Duration

I stressed this earlier but it bears repeating. You have to set the HIIT intervals at the duration you can complete. In most HIIT workouts the duration is similar to what I gave above, but you should change things up as necessary. This is no different from setting up resistance.

7. Aim for Consistency

Since you’ll be going full blast for a minute and then slow down for 30 seconds alternately, try your best to be consistent. That is, pedal as hard as you can for the 1 minute working period and keep at a moderate pace during the slow portion.

8. Keep Track of progress

Keep a journal and take note of how many pounds you lose per week, how long your interval training is, how many seconds or minutes you’ve been able to add to your routines and so on. Use a notebook or an app it’s up to you.

What matters is that you do keep track so you’ll know how well you’re doing and what adjustments need to be made. This is also one of the most effective ways of keeping you motivated. For those days when it feels so hard to get up and get on your exercise bike,  just check your progress and that should spurn you on.

9. Work on Other Areas

Is it enough for beginners to learn how to use a recumbent bike to lose weight ? Yes, but you’ll want to work out other parts of your body so you’ll look proportional. As you may have guessed, these bikes focus primarily on your legs, but there are ways to work out the rest of your body, i..e. lift dumbbells while on the bike.

10. Diet is Crucial

What’s the point of burning all those calories if you’re going to put them all back on? That is why you need to go on a healthy diet to complement your diet and exercise.

Recumbent Exercise Bike Workout Benefits :

Recumbent Bike

Let’s dig into what are the vital benefits while you have chosen recumbent bike for your daily workout

1. The seat is bigger:

This will always be the biggest selling point for recumbent bikes because this makes it one of the few exercise equipment that will let you get comfortable while you workout.

The bigger seat also seems less intimidating for those who are just getting back on the fitness track. It looks a lot less complicated and technical than an upright bike and it will also appear more accommodating. Even bigger users might find themselves more at ease with this kind of stationary bike.

2. Safe to Use:

They’re generally safer to use. While all stationary bikes have heavy bases to ensure that it won’t tip over while you exert a lot of effort in pedaling, you will still need to balance yourself on an upright bike. The smaller saddle seat also won’t accommodate everyone’s size comfortably. These make it a bit trickier to work with, no matter what your size is.

With a bigger chair and lower seat positioning, recumbent bikes offer better stability than its upright counterparts. This makes it a safer option for those who can’t balance their bodies well.

There are lower chances of falling off this bike as well since they often have armrests. And if you do fall, the seat is low on the ground that there are lower chances of getting injured as a result.

3. Design:

You can multitask safely while you workout on a recumbent bike. Due to its design, multitasking on a recumbent bike is quite safe to do. You can be on your phone or laptop while you pedal away. No matter how intense you might be pedaling, you don’t have to worry about tipping over on a recumbent bike

4. Better If You Have Pain:

It’s a better option for your joints. With a large and well-supported seat, your weight will be better distributed in this type of exercise bike. As a result, it can reduce the pressure put on your joints by your workout, offering you a low impact physical activity

5. Good for Leg Exercise:

It will let you build strength without overexerting yourself. Pedaling on a recumbent bike will let you build your leg muscle strength even if you’re comfortably seated. So even if you can’t perform really intense workouts, this equipment can still help strengthen your leg muscles safely

6. Good Choice for those who have Back problems:

It will let those with lower back problems exercise safely. Recumbent bikes are also excellent options for those who have a bad back. As most of these folks find it difficult to engage in physical activities to not endanger their spine, a recumbent bike can be a safe option for them.

Why? For one, the seat can provide ample lumbar support. Your lower back doesn’t have to twist and take a lot of weight while you move about on this equipment. This frees it from damaging strain that can make your condition worse.

You can also choose not to hunch into the handlebars with a recumbent bike. Since you’ll be perched nicely on a large seat, you won’t need to hold onto the handlebars to keep your balance as you pedal. This prevents straining your back too much while you exercise

7. Weight Capacity:

You can find recumbent bikes with high weight limits easily. While there are also lots of upright bikes with high weight capacity, recumbent bikes with the same feature can be more affordable. This and the fact that they’re friendlier to folks with balance issues make recumbent bikes more suitable for bigger users

[su_note note_color=”#ffd6cc” text_color=”#333333″ radius=”3″ class=””]
We Recommended the Schwinn 270 If you can afford it though, you should just get this best performed Recumbent Bike. It’s a bit more expensive, but it’s very effective in helping you achieve your health goals. It gives you lots of advanced tech, while I’s also extremely comfortable to use. It even looks awesome.

Otherwise read our Guide for Top Recumbent Bike[/su_note]

Is a recumbent bike a good workout?

If you do not want to hit the treadmill and want to go easy on your joints, the recumbent bike is the perfect way to have a robust indoor cardio session without putting too much pressure on your knees and joints. We can safely say, the recumbent bike is safe to use and ideal for home workouts. You wouldn’t want to put a lot of pressure on your knees, and in that case, a recumbent bike can be your perfect partner.

Can you lose weight on a recumbent bike?

To lose one pound of weight, you will need to burn 3500 calories; and with a recumbent bike, losing weight might be a slow process. But for a low-impact workout, the recumbent bike is the ideal choice. Also, when you are focusing more on losing weight, you must control your diet as well. When the appropriate portion-controlled diet is combined with the daily workout, you will notice the weight loss sooner

Required Accessories

Sauna Suits :

Study released by Western State Colorado University Sweating while you do workout not only will give an awesome feeling but also have good health benefits like :

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  • Weight Loss
  • Burn Fat
  • Get Aerobic Fitness ( Produce energy in muscle cell )
  • Lower blood Sugar Levels


Training Shoes :

You must be aware about your safety and performance.Shoes must be

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  • Correct in Size and Comfortable
  • Leather Sneaker
  • Rubber Sole will help to balance the GRIP


Final Word

By following the recumbent bike workout for beginners given above you’re going to lose weight a lot more efficiently than you thought possible. It won’t happen overnight but give it time and you will reap the fruits of your labor

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